ODITC, a local joint venture between Orinduik Development Incorporated, Windsor Technologies, and 3t EnerMech, is set to enhance its offerings by adding critical medical testing and assessments to support the country’s growing offshore workforce.

The company has been an essential player in ensuring that oil and gas workers meet stringent health and safety requirements. Now, with new services on the horizon, ODITC is doubling down on its commitment to fostering a safe and competent workforce.

In its project summary submitted to the EPA, it said the new services, which will be housed in an existing facility to avoid the need for additional construction, are designed to cater specifically to the health needs of offshore personnel. These services include medical assessments such as tuberculin (TB) skin testing, audiometry testing to evaluate hearing, and fitness testing through the Chester Step Test, all of which are non-invasive and vital for maintaining the well-being of workers in the high-risk offshore environment.

Additionally, the company will be offering pre-employment and work visa medical testing, along with drug and alcohol testing via urinalysis and breathalyzer methods. These comprehensive assessments will ensure that all individuals traveling offshore comply with the requirements set forth by Stabroek Block operator, ExxonMobil and the government.

ODITC noted it is acutely aware of the potential risks associated with these services and has implemented a robust risk management plan to ensure everything runs smoothly. Every medical assessment will be carried out by qualified doctors and nurses, with all doctors registered under the Medical Council of Guyana. Stringent protocols have been put in place for the safe disposal of biohazard materials such as needles and wipes, which will be handled and disposed of by Midway Specialty Care Centre.

ODITC has previously made headlines for its groundbreaking work in oil and gas safety training. In 2022, it became the first organization in Guyana to receive OPITO certification, a global standard for offshore safety and technical training. The company’s 3t EnerMech Guyana Training Centre of Excellence in Lusignan, developed as part of its joint venture, quickly established itself as a cornerstone of the country’s oil and gas talent pipeline.

The training centre, which received a $20 million investment, features state-of-the-art facilities, including a 14-foot deep sea survival pool, rigging and lifting areas, and cutting-edge simulation and virtual reality technologies. ODITC also plans to hire more local talent to support its growing operations.

The company’s focus on local content has also been a critical part of its success. By collaborating closely with international oil and gas companies, drilling contractors, and the local supply chain, ODITC has ensured that its training and services meet the specific needs of the Guyanese market. The introduction of these new medical services is a direct response to the demands of the offshore sector, which continues to grow at a rapid pace.


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