President, Dr. Irfaan Ali recently highlighted the poor performance of the Alliance for Change (AFC) from 2015 to 2020, citing its financial opacity. However, he has sidestepped calls for his government’s release of studies related to the proposed multibillion-dollar Berbice River bridge.

Ali announced this week that his government will be constructing a new bridge to replace the apparent inadequate structure that has been in operation since 2009. He touted the new structure as one that would allow for smoother interconnectivity between the counties of Berbice and Demerara, enhancing transportation, trade, and development. He further noted that the structure would be similar to the US$260M Demerara River bridge currently under construction at Schoonard, West Bank Demerara.

After the announcement, the Alliance for Change (AFC) called for the release of pre-feasibility studies, asserting that such studies must have informed this significant project. The party emphasized the importance of transparency and accountability in the construction of this superstructure, which will have a substantial impact on the country’s finances.

“This significant investment, which far exceeds the cost of the existing Berbice Bridge, necessitates rigorous scrutiny and transparency to ensure that it is in the best interest of the Guyanese people,” the party stressed.

While saying it is not opposed to development and modernization, the AFC emphasized the need for responsible governance, especially when it involves substantial public expenditure.

“The AFC calls on the government to immediately release the findings of any pre-feasibility study that has informed the decision to proceed with this new bridge project. We also expect that a comprehensive feasibility study and an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) will be conducted and made available to the public before any further steps are taken,” the party said via a statement to the press.

President Ali, however, during a sit-down on a rock near a waterfall in the interior with the Agriculture Minister, Zulfikar Mustapha and the Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Oneidge Walrond, chided the AFC for being “hypocritical”.

He stated that the AFC is not merely interested in reviewing feasibility studies but is determined to shut down the project altogether. However, he did not clarify whether his government will release the studies to the public or to those who, he claims, will greatly benefit from the new bridge.

According to President Ali, the AFC’s criticisms are political in nature and not intended to be constructive, or in the interest of Guyanese.

He highlighted AFC’s track record of hindering key development projects, such as the Amaila Falls Hydro-power project, which posed a notable setback in the country’s transition to renewable energy.

“They have no vision, but every single idea they want to kill. They believe that any investment in these regions is a political investment, and then they try to lie to the people,” the president said.

He said that Berbice is set to become a major industrial hub. President Ali further highlighted ongoing projects such as the development of a deep-water port, the Palmyra Stadium, and the expansion of the Corentyne Highway as key initiatives benefiting the county.

“I’ll make sure the Berbice River Bridge will be done and the commuters, very shortly, will be very happy with a series of announcements, a series of interventions we’ll make to make it more competitive, less costly, more efficient,” the president said.

He added, “The people of Region Six must ask themselves, why is it this same group of people again are trying to block a four-lane bridge across the Berbice River that will help, that will work 24 hours, improve efficiency, and that will create the opportunity for the expansion of trade, improvement of competitiveness, creation of jobs, and the build-out of what we’re going to see in Region Six?”


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