ExxonMobil Guyana recently issued a Request for Information (RFI) which holds a golden opportunity for local businesses to earn millions of dollars. The document, which was reviewed by Guyana standard, calls for locals to demonstrate that they are capable of caring for approximately 180 residential units across Georgetown and nearby areas.

The RFI, issued on September 19, 2024, outlines the scope of work required to manage ExxonMobil’s leased residential portfolio, which spans townhouses, apartments, and houses. These units, scattered across 13 different locations, are critical for housing ExxonMobil officials stationed in the country.

For local companies eyeing this contract, the scope is extensive. The selected company will be responsible for routine maintenance, emergency repairs, water system maintenance, electrical upkeep, HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) servicing, and landscaping. The company will also be tasked with overseeing pest control, trash removal, and pool maintenance where applicable. Additionally, the scope covers the management of a recreational facility and the coordination of various services to maintain the functionality of the residential units.

Emergency services are also a critical component of the work. ExxonMobil’s RFI emphasizes the need for 24-hour on-call emergency services for rapid corrective repairs, ensuring the continuous safety and comfort of their residents. The successful bidder will also be responsible for managing the procurement of supplies and materials needed for both routine and emergency repairs.

Further, the contractor will be required to manage landlord-provided services, such as coordinating access to residential units for maintenance work and handling the replacement of utilities like electricity, water, internet, and gas. In addition, the company will have to manage key security, ensuring all residential units are secure with the proper issuance of keys and maintaining access control.

In line with the Guyana Local Content Act (2021), ExxonMobil’s RFI has placed a strong emphasis on the inclusion of local companies. Bidders are required to demonstrate their commitment to local content by outlining how they plan to incorporate Guyanese talent and resources into their operations. ExxonMobil’s local content strategy focuses on building workforce and supplier capabilities, which aligns with its broader goal of making strategic investments in the local community.

Specifically, contractors must give fair and adequate opportunities to local suppliers by sourcing Guyanese goods and services wherever possible, provided they meet the necessary quality, quantity, and timing requirements. The RFI encourages the use of Guyanese subcontractors and requires the establishment of tender procedures to ensure local contractors have a chance to compete for subcontracts. These opportunities are crucial for the continued development of Guyanese small and medium enterprises (SMEs), especially within the oil and gas sector.

Moreover, the RFI suggests that companies should actively engage with the Centre for Local Business Development (CLBD), an organization that facilitates communication between suppliers, contractors, and subcontractors. This ensures that local companies have the support they need to build capacity and compete effectively for opportunities like this one. Bidders are encouraged to advertise vacancies, tenders, and expressions of interest through the CLBD, ensuring transparency and accessibility for local businesses.

Companies that believe they meet ExxonMobil’s requirements must submit their responses by October 21, 2024. The RFI is an initial stage in the procurement process, designed to gather information about potential bidders before moving to the formal Request for Proposal (RFP) stage. Following the evaluation of the RFI responses, selected companies will be invited to participate in the formal bidding process, which could lead to a significant contract to manage ExxonMobil’s residential facilities in Guyana.


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