Man arrested for 2009 murder of his lover’s husband
Investigators have reopened the 2009 murder investigation of a 45-year-old businessman whose body was found in the trunk of a rental car at Coldingen...
Previously convicted Albouystown youth remanded on armed robbery charges
A young man who was recently released from prison after serving two years for illegally possessing a gun and ammo was this afternoon remanded...
80 years for businessman’s killer
Almost nine years after he shot and killed businessman Dennis Ramah — a Chateau Margot, East Coast Demerara businessman — Victor Bobb was moments...
Arrest warrant issued for fraud accused insurance manager after third no-show
Two months after former Demerara Mutual Life Assurance manager, Zameel Shaheed, was slapped with 45 fraud related charges, an arrest warrant was this morning...
Prison graduate gets 12 years for killing man over bicycle
Ravindra Paremdass, a graduate of the Mazaruni Prison's tailoring course, was this morning handed a 12-year jail sentence on a manslaughter charge after he...
Friends caught with ganja: one imprisoned, other remanded
Two friends, found with 140.1 grams of marijuana, were this afternoon sent to the same place — lot 12 Camp Street. But while one...
Painter, 23, jailed three years for 8 grams of ganja
A Kitty man who begged the court to have mercy on his life was sentenced to three years imprisonment and fined $30,000 after being...
Albouystown resident remanded for 3 grams of cocaine
An Albouystown resident who was allegedly caught with 3 grams of cocaine by the police at Bourda Market was this afternoon remanded for the...
Man, 28, found guilty raping of 4-year-old girl
Twelve years after he raped a four-year-old girl, Dwayne Hamilton, 28, was late this afternoon found guilty of the offence.
The man was on trial...
Man who chopped wife for wanting an abortion arrested, charged
A 39-year-old man who brutally chopped his reputed wife on February 24, last, because she wanted to have an abortion was arrested and charged...