Anti-racial governance needed in Guyana

The PNC (APNU-AFC) is the only group in Guyana that can currently organize, mobilize and defend their supporters against the ongoing and building onslaught...

Narine calls out President, Minister Dharamlall over untimely swearing-in of Mayor, Deputy Mayor

Dear Editor, His Excellency, the President of Guyana along with the Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Nigel Dharamlall are both creating political measures...

Protecting our children, protect the future.

Dear Editor, The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child highlights the need for a few things with regards to children. These include...

Violations of children’s rights that lead to death

Dear Editor, The story about the sixteen-year-old teen who was brutally stabbed to death by a thirty-four-year-old was one of the most shocking stories in...

Freddie Kissoon’s racist remarks must be rejected- Nigel Hinds

Freddie Kissoon made an atrocious statement in his Kaieteur News column dated November 12, 2020, re: “Only a racist would categorize Granger as a...

Opinion: Kashif Muhammad for Director of Youth and Sports

The urgency of having a competent and dedicated National Director of Youth and Sports cannot be understated. In Kashif Muhammad we have someone that...

Alexander says iNews misquoted him

Dear Editor, The news outfit iNEWS, which continuously spun what I said and juxtaposed my comments to those of Commissioner Gunraj, during the Recount process,...

An Ode to Walter Rodney II

Our beloved brother You sought to hightlight the destructive nature of classicism and racism Time has shown your wisdom We salute you great brother Unselfishness was your creed You...

Mainstream Media should cut ties with David Hinds, Lincoln Lewis and Henry Jeffrey

Opinions vented after Guyana's March 2, 2020 General and Regional Elections by columnists Dr. David Hinds, Mr. Lincoln Lewis and Dr. Henry Jeffrey, demonstrates...

“Stanley Ming joining Mingo et alia… with Bingo numbers!”

The only question I have for Mr. Stanley Ming is approximately how many Guyanese persons who migrated from Guyana were on Official List of...

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