Guyanese should not be distracted by Maduro’s obsession with our domestic affairs

Dear Editor, At the meeting between President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali and President Nicholas Maduro, the Attorney General & Minister of Legal Affairs, Mohabir Anil...

Elson Low’s proposal for use of oil revenues a recipe for disaster

Dear Editor, The Economic Advisor to the Leader of the Opposition (LO), Elson Low recently challenged my analysis in respect of the public sector’s employment...

MP Walton-Desir showcases political opportunism at its worst in her criticism of Argyle Agreement

Dear Editor, The International Court of Justice (ICJ) in its provisional ruling on the 1st of December 2023 stated: 1. By an Application filed in the...

LETTER: GHK Lall misunderstands the Argyle Declaration!

Dear Editor I write in response to a GHK Lall’s mischievous and highly inappropriate piece under the title “Argyle: Guyana’s blind spots, Venezuela’s bright spots,”...

Average annual salary increase for period 2021-2023 period is actually 15.4%

Dear Editor, Further to my letter published in the Guyana Standard online news outlet on December 11, 2023, and in the print media on December...

Opposition hypocritical, suffering from selective amnesia with criticism of 6.5 percent salary increase

Dear Editor, Recent statements by Opposition Leader, Aubrey Norton, condemning the 6.5 percent salary increase clearly demonstrates that the opposition is suffering from amnesia, is...

Critics of 6.5 percent increase for public servants must examine the bigger picture

Dear Editor, On December 8, 2023, the Government of Guyana (GoG) announced a 6.5% across the board increase for public sector employees, bringing the cumulative...

Govt. should be commended for placing over $15B more in hands of public servants,...

Dear Editor, The 6.5 percent across-the-board salary increase announced by the Senior Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh yesterday, when examined within the context of...

LETTER: Khemraj Ramjattan’s use of a national tragedy to score political points is insensitive...

Dear Editor, In the wake of the devastating loss of five servicemen from the Guyana Defence Force (GDF), it is imperative that we honor their...

Pres. Ali’s visit to COP28 to tackle climate change, garner more support for Guyana’s...

Dear Editor, Allow me to extend a hearty “welcome home” to President Irfaan Ali on his return from the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference...

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