Urgent action needed to address enormous education crisis in Latin America, Caribbean region –...
The unprecedented education crisis brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic requires immediate action to mitigate and reverse learning losses, according to a new World...
Record number of wells to be drilled in Stabroek Block this year- Rystad Energy
Even though Guyana’s leading offshore explorer, ExxonMobil, was off to a disappointing start this year, as it misfired on the Canje block’s wildcat called...
Guyana uses a mere 2% of US$21M loan from IDB for renewable projects
Even as Guyana continues its regulatory and legislative preparation for the efficient management of the oil sector, policy leaders across the board have always...
Approval granted to NBS for increased mortgage ceiling
As part of the implementation process of some of the Budget 2021 measures, Senior Minister in the Office of the President with Responsibility for...
SOL imported fuel for ExxonMobil but never delivered it; GRA suffers $2.6B loss in...
The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) is currently investigating SOL Guyana Inc. which cleared millions of litres of fuel at duty-free rates for ExxonMobil but...
Guyana’s procurement practices continue to receive IDB’s lowest scores
Even though there have been numerous improvements to the relevant laws, Guyana’s procurement practices continue to receive the lowest scores (D) in successive Public...
Budget 2021: CPGs get $95M; $830M for construction, rehab of police stations; $50M to...
The Government of Guyana (GoG) will be fully resuscitating the Community Policing Groups (CPGs), which were dismantled by the former A Partnership for National...
2021 Budget Measures to return $10B in disposable income to Guyanese
According to Senior Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh, the measures in last year’s budget will effectively return over time, $40B in disposable income...
Financial laws to be amended to improve approval process for 2021 budget and beyond
An amendment to the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act (FMAA) was today tabled in the National Assembly by Senior Minister in the Office of...
Govt. tables orders to raise domestic, external borrowing ceilings to $500B, $650B respectively
In a bid to regularize several issues unearthed after assuming office in 2020, as well as to facilitate new financing for a transformative development...