Economy produced mixed performance for first quarter- Bank of Guyana
According to the latest statistical bulletin of Central Bank, Guyana’s economy registered mixed output performance in a few of its major sectors during the...
Govt. unapologetic about increased public spending; it was done to rectify historical wrongs against...
For some time now, the APNU+AFC Government has faced scathing criticisms about its record of increased public spending. Many within the political opposition have...
Public Sector employment contracts due to loss of hundreds of sugar workers
According to the latest economic report of Central Bank, public sector employment contracted by 0.8 percent at the end of 2019. The financial institution...
Loans and advances to the private sector grew by 8.6 percent last year
Even though the Central Bank has lamented over the years about rising non-performing loans, there was still an increase in the loans and advances...
$34.7B was expended in the public health sector for 2019 – report
A sum of $34.7 billion (of the $35.9 billion budgeted) was expended in the public health sector in 2019, government's "End of Year Outcome"...
Banks , Money Transfer Agency, and Cambios still deficient in anti-money laundering practices –Report...
In keeping with its role to supervise the operations of financial institutions, Bank of Guyana conducted a series of examinations last year. During the...
Exports for 2019 increase by 13.8 %-Central Bank
According to the latest report of Central Bank, Guyana’s earnings for exports last year increased by 13.8 percent or US$189.9 million to US$1,567.0 million....
$8B expended last year for renewable energy-Finance Ministry
Even as the country pursues the development of its oil and gas resources in offshore blocks, the Government, it appears, remained focused on ensuring...
GDP records 5.4 % growth rate for 2019; highest figure for last five years
Guyana’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was originally projected to grow some 4.6 percent for 2019. At the half-year, this projection was revised downwards, marginally,...
Latin America and Caribbean Region will have largest recession on record-IMF Chief
According to Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Kristalina Georgieva, the Latin America and Caribbean Region has been hit particularly hard by...