Anthony Vieira ditches PNC, joins Datadin and others as newcomers to PPP list of...

Longstanding supporter of the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and former People National Congress Reform (PNCR) Parliamentarian, Anthony Vieira has now joined the...

GRA fails to net more taxes from Legal, Medical practitioners, other professionals for 2018-Auditor...

In spite of some of its best efforts, Auditor General, Deodat Sharma has found that the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) continues to experience difficulties...

Gov’t. will determine if CJIA contractor should be penalized after project completion in first...

It is too early to say if penalties will be imposed on China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC), the entity currently executing the US$150M renovation...

Auditor General finds several instances of Re-migrant Scheme being abused

Even though the Coalition administration had said that several measures were taken since it assumed office to ensure the re-migrant scheme is no longer...

Auditor General must say if reports coming out of leaked document are accurate –...

Both Ministers of the Ministry of Public Infrastructure (MoPI) are questioning why the Auditor General, Deodat Sharma, is yet to respond to the leaking...

Supplier was paid in full despite passing off used blood testing machines as new...

The Mabaruma District Hospital, Region One (Barima/Waini), is still awaiting the delivery of two haematology analysers, after it was discovered that the two previously...

Auditor General flags Health Ministry for extending multimillion-dollar Diamond Hospital upgrade contract without Tender...

The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) erred when it extended the contract for the upgrade of the Diamond Hospital back in 2017, without the...

Over $15M spent in two years to service four David ‘G’ Buses – Report

Over $15.8M was expended within the last two years to service four David ‘G’ School buses that were donated through the Government of Guyana...

Exemptions granted in 2018 represent more than 40 percent of actual revenue GRA collected...

Auditor General, Deodat Sharma has found that exemptions from duties and taxes in 2018 were significantly high. In fact, they represent more than 40...

GRA has not been awarding vehicles to the highest bidder-Auditor General

In his most recent report on the financial transgressions of the Coalition administration, Auditor General, Deodat Sharma has found that the Guyana Revenue Authority...

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