Over $15M spent in two years to service four David ‘G’ Buses – Report

Over $15.8M was expended within the last two years to service four David ‘G’ School buses that were donated through the Government of Guyana...

Exemptions granted in 2018 represent more than 40 percent of actual revenue GRA collected...

Auditor General, Deodat Sharma has found that exemptions from duties and taxes in 2018 were significantly high. In fact, they represent more than 40...

GRA has not been awarding vehicles to the highest bidder-Auditor General

In his most recent report on the financial transgressions of the Coalition administration, Auditor General, Deodat Sharma has found that the Guyana Revenue Authority...

Gov’t.’s failure to implement audit recommendations concerning – AG

Auditor General (AG), Deodat Sharma is concerned about the government’s “lack of action” towards the implementation of recommendations that his office has made in...

Health Ministry paid over $300M for items it never received, some dating as far...

In his report of the examination of government’s spending for the year 2018, Auditor General (AG), Deodat Sharma noted that the Ministry of Public...

Gov’t. overpaid over $166M to contractors in 2018 – AG Report

Overpayments amounting over $166.M were made in respect of measured works on 90 contracts administered by Ministries, Departments and Regions in 2018. This is...

IDB approves US$ 606,062 to help Energy Dept. strengthen technical functions

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has approved US$606,062 to support the Government’s efforts to build capacity to effectively manage the emerging oil and gas...

Govt. tells IDB economy on track to surpass GDP performance for last year

The Coalition administration recently informed the Inter-American Development (IDB) that the solid performance of the economy thus far sees it remaining on track to...

Guyana’s move to renewables by 2025 highly improbable-World Bank

Despite Guyana’s determination to convert to renewables, the World Bank has found that there have been various setbacks which make it highly improbable that...

You must shun bribery, threats and intimidation – Jordan tells Ministry’s internal auditors

The coming oil and gas industry will demand more from the Ministry of Finance’s internal auditors. As such, Finance Minister, Winston Jordan yesterday charged...

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