Exxon’s partner takes billion dollar blow in market trade value after Venezuelan incursion

One of ExxonMobil’s partners in the oil rich-Stabroek Block, Hess Corporation, took a huge blow to its market value after a Venezuelan military ship...

US$3M portion of signing bonus set aside for capacity building remains untouch–Finance Minister

When American oil giant, ExxonMobil, gave Guyana a US$18M signing bonus back in 2016, the coalition administration had said that US$3M would be put...

Gold Sector revenues to reach US$101M in 2020 — UNDP Rep

Revenues from large scale gold mines in Guyana are expected to be at their highest in 2020 reaching some US$101M. This is according to...

Police Force launches probe after $11M goes missing from ‘G’ Division

The Guyana Police Force (GPF) has launched a massive investigation after its commanding officer for ‘G’ Division, Khali Pareshram is unable to account for...

No concrete evidence to support link between ASP and multi-million-dollar drug deal

Three weeks ago, an Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) was reportedly double-crossed by two “small time” drug dealers who were supposed to make arrangements...

Guyana Goldfields Board left investors in the dark-Concerned Shareholders

Not only did the current Board of Directors of the Guyana Goldfields Inc. lose over CDN$1B (US$733M) in shareholder value due to a series...

Guyana Goldfields Board loses over US$733M in shareholder value

The Board of Directors for Guyana Goldfields Inc. is being accused of losing over CDN$1B which is around US$733M in shareholder value accumulating since...

Govt. to halt pension payments at post offices from next year

One of the biggest challenges facing the Government is the administration of pension payments at the nation’s post offices. Minister of Public Telecommunications, Cathy Hughes...

All regions get 16 percent increase to support Health, Education, Agri. projects-Minister Bulkan

The nation’s 10 administrative regions will benefit from the sum of $39.3B for capital expenditure next year. This was revealed by Communities Minister, Ronald Bulkan...

IDB lending US$11.6 M support to transform Guyana’s Energy Sector

Guyana is set to transform its energy governance with help from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). This will translate to an US$11.64 M loan...

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