No recorded cases of Zika and chikungunya but MoPH still battling dengue

Since being plagued with outbreaks of the chikungunya virus in 2015 and the Zika virus in 2016, Guyana has not seen a...

Medical Breakthrough… Bluetooth-enabled smart inhalers is the way of the future

There is no doubt that persons suffering from conditions such as asthma and lung disease are deserving of keen care and attention....

PAHO closely monitoring dengue epidemic

A new epidemic cycle of dengue has invaded Latin America and the Caribbean Region and the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) is...

Medical Breakthrough… Are researchers really on the brink of an HIV cure?

Guyana is currently battling to control a spike in HIV cases, a state of affairs which is especially troubling since the country...

Guyana sees hike in incidence of HIV in first half of 2019

With an escalated incidence of HIV cases, the Ministry of Public Health is currently in reactive mode to recapture the gains made...

Medical Breakthough… 3D printed implants to shorten timeframe for spinal injury recovery

Road accidents and falls have been known to cause many spinal injuries which require intricate surgeries and many therapy sessions before an...

Dr Balwant Singh Hospital appoints first local embryologist

Ganesh Persaud, a young and vibrant medical professional originally from Essequibo, is Guyana’s first embryologist and is set to head the In...

Medical Breakthrough… Apps in testing to track mental instability

Defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO), mental health is “a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her...

Guyana in penultimate year to eliminate filaria

As Guyana, through the Ministry of Public Health, fervently works towards the elimination of lymphatic filariasis (filaria), another Mass Drug Administration campaign...

Medical breakthrough… ‘A vaccine in testing to prevent ‘multiple’ cancers’

Medical experts often preach that “prevention is always better than cure”. Much of the time this translates to embracing healthy lifestyle choices,...

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