Guyana receives key equipment from UNICEF for safe storage of children’s vaccines

UNICEF Deputy Representative to Guyana and Suriname, Irfan Akhtar, today handed over 10 solar refrigerators, 4 solar freezers, 8 electrical refrigerators, 1 Ultra-Low Temperature...

Patients Benefit From Free Joint Replacement Surgeries At GPHC

Today officials of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) celebrated the successful completion of more than 40 orthopaedic surgeries which were never done here...

Safeguard yourself against measles – Health Ministry warns

Recognising that "measles is no joke", the Ministry of Public Health is currently urging all members of the public to take responsibility for their...

Survey ongoing to determine if Guyana is filaria-free

Guyana's Health Ministry has begun a survey to determine if the country is free of filaria, Minister Dr Frank Anthony has disclosed. The survey comes...

Consultations on Single-Use Plastics’ ban well received- EPA

The recently concluded virtual consultation on the impending ban on single-use plastic has been deemed well received by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The...

Guyana’s first cardiac sonographer leads representation at ASE Scientific Sessions

In marking another significant milestone for Guyana's healthcare sector, Ramona Chanderballi, a Registered Cardiac Sonographer, has proudly represented the country at the prestigious American...

PAHO launches campaign to reduce maternal deaths in Latin America, Caribbean

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has joined forces with United Nations' agencies and other partners to launch a campaign aimed at reducing maternal...

No audit of GPHC done under APNU’s 2015-2020 tenure- VP Jagdeo

Vice President, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo has come to the fore to slam the former A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance for Change (APNU/AFC) coalition government...

Medical Breakthrough… Apps in testing to track mental instability

Defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO), mental health is “a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her...

Arrival of more COVID-19 testing kits delayed due to shuttering of airports – Health...

The arrival of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) test kits to Guyana has been delayed because of the shuttering of international airports, Health Minister Volda Lawrence...

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