Openness in contract negotiations must become a legal requirement for Guyana- Int’l Oil Expert

“It is not enough to demand the mere disclosure of final contracts. While it is an important element of transparency in the oil and...

Many in Govt. and private sector advocating for a National Oil Company just to...

The APNU+AFC Government is yet to decide if it will create a National Oil Company (NOC). The government is also still to decide if...

Parliament too weak to hold Govt. accountable for mismanagement of oil wealth -Ramson

A country’s Parliament holds the power to prevent the mismanagement of State revenue and even institute punitive measures against leaders found to have mismanaged...

ExxonMobil Foundation to invest US$10M in Guyana for Research, Sustainable Employment and Conservation

ExxonMobil Foundation indicated today that it will contribute US$10 million to a new collaborative venture with Conservation International and the University of Guyana to...

GCCI calls for enhancement of Infrastructural mechanisms in anticipation of oil boom

With Guyana moving to first oil come 2020, greater emphasis needs to be placed on the development of infrastructural mechanisms, says President of the...

Guyana should outline distinctive features of companies eligible to benefit from local content framework...

If Guyana does not take the time to define what businesses can qualify to benefit from its local content framework, then “it can be...

JSL Int’l honours Guyanese workers onboard oil rig for outstanding performance

JSL International Guyana on Saturday last honoured the first batch of Guyanese crew members onboard the ExxonMobil-contracted Noble Bob Douglas drillship. The group of Guyanese workers...

World Bank approves US$35M to support strengthening of fiscal systems for incoming oil wealth

With the billions of dollars in revenue to come from the oil sector, Guyana must begin the process of strengthening its financial systems. This...

Guyana will fail at effectively managing oil wealth unless politicians develop respect for citizens...

“You can have all the rules in the world, and even strong oversight committees. But what does it mean the in the grand scheme...

ExxonMobil’s Local Content Advisor never wrote or instituted a policy in his life

Consultations on the strengths and weaknesses of Guyana’s draft local content policy are yet to begin. But this has not stopped USA oil giant,...

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