Pensioner attacks pregnant daughter, wife before setting house on fire

A 62-year-old broke a champagne bottle on his pregnant daughter’s head before attempting to slit his estrange wife’s throat with a piece of broken glass on...

68 percent of GRA revenue comes from less than 300 taxpayers -Statia

Earlier today, Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) Commissioner General, Godfrey Statia revealed that “less than 300 large taxpayers account for 68 percent of total revenues...

Govt. knows who funded Marriott Hotel-Jagdeo

For years, Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo has skillfully avoided revealing the names of the persons who funded the controversial US$52M Marriott Hotel. His behaviour was no different...

Desmond Sears is new PSC Chairman

The Private Sector Commission (PSC) held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) today at the Marriott Hotel where Desmond Sears was elected Chairman. Sears served as...

Nasty Man found guilty of murder

After hours of deliberation, a 12 member mixed jury, this afternoon, convicted Delon Henry of the murder of footballer, Dexter Griffith, who was shot...

Lindo Creek Massacre…Commissioner wants PPP to contribute to CoI

The Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into the tragic Lindo Creek Massacre has heard the testimonies of several persons, except, members of the political opposition....

PAHO team begins work on assessing mercury levels at GGMC

The Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) has deployed a team to the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) to conduct several tests on mercury...

Farmer slits estranged wife’s throat before attempting suicide

A 28-year-old mother lost her life around 23:20 hrs yesterday after her estranged husband went berserk, stabbing her 12 times about the body before slitting her throat...

Exxon’s rate of success in Guyana is at 80 percent

In an industry where companies average a 20 – 25 percent success rate at discovering oil, US oil-giant ExxonMobil has upped its chances to...

Weeks-old Rumble Strips on West Coast being dug out by residents – MPI

The rumble strips installed along the West Demerara Highway are not actually deteriorating due to vehicular impact, says the Ministry of Public Infrastructure’s ‎Senior...

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