GECOM Chairman on extended medical leave

Even as tensions continue to grow in wake of the December 21, 2018 No Confidence Motion which saw government being defeated 33-32 and calls...

Guyana ramps up regulatory measures for Venezuelan migrants

With nearly 4,000 Venezuelan migrants being documented as living in Guyana, regulatory measures are slated to be ramped up, Citizenship Minister, Winston Felix, has...

Corruption did grave harm to Guyana’s fiscal position-IMF

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently shared with the Government of Guyana concerns about the effect corruption has had on the nation’s fiscal position. In...

Govt. failed to implement laws to stimulate FDIs- Business Research Group

Prior to assuming office, the Granger-led administration made several promises about attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). In fact, this was one of its manifesto...

Charrandass’ deception has not hurt AFC’s relationship with APNU-Patterson

Even though former Member of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Charrandass Persaud, opted to throw his support behind the Opposition’s No-Confidence Motion, it has...

We’re off to the CCJ –Attorney General

Following the ruling by Speaker of the National Assembly, Dr. Barton Scotland, that he will not review the passage of the No-Confidence Motion, Attorney...

Venezuela tried to land helicopter on ExxonMobil contracted vessels-Greenidge tells House

Foreign Affairs Minister, Carl Greenidge, informed the National Assembly today of the aggressive actions taken against Guyana by Venezuela as well as the subsequent...

Speaker upholds Opposition’s No-Confidence Motion

Speaker of the National Assembly, Dr. Barton Scotland will not review the passage of the No-Confidence Motion passed against the coalition government on December...

PNC Member takes up Charrandass’ seat in National Assembly

Given the resignation of former AFC Member, Charrandass Persaud from the National Assembly, the coalition has nominated PNC Member, Barbara Pilgrim to take his...

National Assembly sitting to discuss No Confidence Motion “unconstitutional” – Opposition

The Parliamentary Opposition has deemed tomorrow’s sitting of the National Assembly to discuss the consequences of the No Confidence Motion as “unconstitutional” and has...

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