Executive failed to ensure better income redistribution – Ali

The APNU+AFC Party promised the nation that under its rule, it would have ensured that there was better income redistribution and that it would...

Cabinet met today, decides to “pursue all available options” in face of No-Confidence Motion

Moments ago, the APNU+AFC Government released a short statement giving vague insight to its intended course of action in face of the No-Confidence Motion...

Rice Factory Act requires Govt. to intervene in rice woes

Guyana has the capacity to produce one million tonnes of rice whenever it chooses to. This is the vocalised conviction of former Minister of...

Statement from Bishop Francis Alleyne and Roman Catholic Church on No-Confidence Motion

Guyana is in uncharted territory with the passage of the motion of no confidence in the government on December 21. Notwithstanding some unacceptable behaviour, in...

Cabinet appoints sub-committee to examine legality of passed No-Confidence motion

Cabinet has appointed a special sub-committee to examine the legal and constitutional aspects of the voting that took place on the Opposition’s No-Confidence Motion...

Keep evidence of political pressure to engage in illegal acts — Jagdeo urges public...

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo has already gone into election campaign mode as he issued a call today to public servants to preserve all evidence...

Govt. now in “caretaker” mode, can only do routine spending — Jagdeo

With the passage of the No-Confidence Motion, the APNU+AFC Party’s powers in Government have been diminished. It is now in caretaker mode and should...

NOT SO FAST! – AFC to seek legal advice on passed No-Confidence Motion

Even though President, David Granger, has committed to honouring the passage of the No-Confidence Motion, it appears that others within the coalition party have...

Model PSA to have penalties for non-compliance to local content benchmarks

The model Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) being pursued by the Energy Department will feature local content benchmarks to be achieved by oil companies as...

Oil will not have transformational impact when govt. systems are weak- Economist

Promising transformational impacts from the looming oil wealth in the short or medium term, without lending any consideration to the poor state of governance...

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