No move to review Cummingsburg Accord as AFC holds on to its 10% of...

There are no moves afoot to review the Cummingsburg Accord—the agreement that governs the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and Alliance for Change...

No-Confidence Motion An Act Of Provocation – Nagamootoo

…says Coalition is strong, united Acting President and Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo has lambasted the political Opposition for its No-Confidence Motion against Government, dubbing the...

GPA Threatens To Boycott APNU/PNCR Pressers If Assaults On Media Workers Continue

A few hours ago, media workers were subjected to continued verbal abuse from supporters of the A Partnership of National Unity (APNU) who gathered...

Historic EU-FLEGT Voluntary partnership agreement to be initialed in Brussels, Belgium

After about six years of extensive engagements with local and international stakeholders on the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Voluntary Partnership Agreement...

Governments’ Intervention Needed To Boost Sugar Production

Unless sugar is taken serious at the political level nothing will happen. This is the assertion of Minister of Agriculture, Noel Holder.  In fact...

LGE Barely Pulls 28.3 % of GT Voting Population

…APNU still wins majority seats on City Council In spite of a low turnout at the Local Government Elections, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU)...

APNU Sweeps All eight Constituencies In Linden

The A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) recorded an astounding victory in Linden, with a clean sweep of all eight constituencies and five of...

Natural Resource Fund should not be used for recurrent expenditure-TT’s former PM

When Guyana establishes its Natural Resource Fund (NRF), there should be a clear rule which says that withdrawals from the Fund should not be...

Guyana should have two Natural Resource Funds -Persad-Bissessar

The Government of Guyana intends to establish  a Natural Resource Fund (NRF) that will serve two purposes: a savings for the future generation as...

Govt. engages World Bank on assistance to develop oil sector

Prime Minister, Moses V. Nagamootoo and Finance Minister, Winston Jordan recently held discussions with a high-level, five-member team from the World Bank regarding assistance...

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