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GECOM has to justify $3.5B request for holding elections – Harmon

While President, David Granger, has committed to giving the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) the financial support it needs for holding...

I am not sitting in National Assembly illegally, I’m representing constituents – Harmon

Even though the local courts have ruled that dual citizens should not hold a seat in the National Assembly, Minister...

Disaster risk reduction platform reconstituted to improve response

As the risks of natural and man-made disasters increase globally, the Civil Defence Commission (CDC) has moved to reconstitute its...

Guyana to benefit from UK cyber security venture

Get Safe Online (www.getsafeonline.org), a UK based not-for-profit organisation, will launch a brand new website in Guyana on April 1,...

Man charged with 2009 murder of fuel dealer

Days after investigators reopened the 2009 murder investigation of a 45-year-old businessman whose body was found in the trunk of...

May 10 for no confidence motion case before CCJ

The Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ), the Caribbean community's highest court, has set Friday, May 10, 2019 for the hearing...

Dental Council warns against using services of ‘quacks’

When seeking dental care, persons are being warned to ensure that they do so at facilities registered with the Dental...

Appellate Court rewriting the Constitution with “absolute majority” concept – Jagdeo

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo, is maintaining that the successful passage of a no confidence motion requires a "majority vote", and...

No Parliament for dual citizen PPP MPs – Jagdeo

Members of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) who hold dual citizenship status will not attend future Parliamentary sittings, Opposition Leader,...

Three years imprisonment for anyone linked to corruption at GRA

The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) has taken a firm stance against corruption and is reinforcing that persons found guilty could...

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