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Int’l Organisation for Migration to help with Venezuelan Migration issue; train Guyanese officials

The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) has committed its support to addressing the migration of Venezuelans to Guyana. It will...

Defying the odds… Toy Maker, Richard Moshetee doesn’t let his disability stop...

A man—forced into begging after becoming an amputee has uncovered new talents in creating wooden toys from local wood. Richard Moshetee...

Govt. identifies privately-owned land to establish homestead settlement for fleeing Venezuelans

Government's exercise to secure a plot of land for the establishment of a homestead for immigrants fleeing economic crisis in...

Ukrainians in video assaulting local miners to be charged criminally

The Director of Public Prosecutor (DPP) Shalimar Ali-Hack has recommended criminal charges against two Ukrainians who were seen in a...

Questionable award of new Dem. Bridge Study…

The Ministry of Public Infrastructure (MPI) has responded to questions after a furore erupted over the controversial award of a...


Almost immediately upon assuming office in 2015, the coalition government of Guyana increased ministers and parliamentarians' salary by 50%. They...

Mahdia is now a town

By way of Order No.27 of 2018 published in the Official Gazette dated today,  Mahdia in the Potaro-Siparuni (Region Eight)...

Weak to moderate El Niño conditions expected in December

In the coming weeks, farmers are advised to carry out water conservation practices as the dynamic and statistical El Niño...

Fisheries sector grew by 5.6 % despite US ban on gilbacker, shrimp legislation

Despite the recent blow to the fishing industry meted out by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) on the...

Security guard cons employer of $2.7 M, gets 56 months behind bars

“Look I can’t turn back the hands of time. I took the $2.7M and purchase phones,” were the words of...

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